Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Possibly: IN per capita with Life expectancy: IN per capita will allow citizens to afford deiced and health services, meaning they could treat deadly sicknesses such as cancer or expensive treatments Life expectancy global patterns: Low life expectancy. Most of Africa, especially Southern, Central, Eastern and Western (Sub-Sahara Africa) including very low countries such as . Anomaly of Afghanistan in Africa, and Laos. Middle life expectancy: Anomalies in Africa, including Equatorial Guiana and Reiterate and Madagascar.Middle nations Include Central South America, countries such as Peru and Brazil and even Bola, although low compared to the mentioned previously. North Africa, countries such as Egypt and Morocco and Eastern Asia (China) plus South East Asia including Indonesia and the Philippines. High: North America and Western Europe, Japan and Australia/New Zealand. Anomalies include: Bolivia/Guyana, Greenland, Madagascar/Equatorial Guiana, Haiti, Afghanistan. Bolivia => Natural ca uses, high altitude in the whole countries makes the population live under constant stress and pressure, exhausting faster organs.Low literacy rates: Concentrates mostly in Central and Western Africa and South Central Asia, including Nations such as India and Pakistan. Nations with lowest literacy include Chad, Nigeria and Mali. Middle literacy rates: South America, including Peru. South Asia including China, and the Middle East including Saudi Arabia and Oman. Anomalies in Africa, including Egypt and Madagascar and most of Southern Africa. High literacy rates: North America and most of Europe (old soviet USSR included), with slight high rates in South America including Argentina surprisingly and Guyana.Southern Africa surprisingly, with anomalies including Zanzibar. Australia and New Zealand ANOMALIES: Portugal, Bosnia and Serbia. Yemen. Peru. Papua New Guiana. Guatemala. Haiti. Zanzibar. Cambodia. Low IN per capita: Mostly concentrated in Central, Eastern and Western Africa includ ing nations such as the Deem. Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Niger. Indonesia and Papua New Guiana stand out in South East Asia and South Central Africa, Southern Africa including South America. The Balkan and most of Asia. High IN: North America, Europe. Undernourishment global patterns:Low undernourishment: Distributed in relation to Medics, mostly found in North America and Western Europe plus Russia. Northern Africa regions including Libya and Egypt, southern South America e. G. Argentina and Uruguay and Australia/New Zealand. Middle undernourishment: Distributed along the equator (tropical areas) with nations in central South America such as Peru and Brazil, North America including Mexico and Eastern Africa including Nigeria. Indonesia and Eastern Asia nations including China and Vietnam as well count with 5-19% of undernourished.High undernourishment: Southern African Nations including the Congo and Central African Republic, Anomaly of Bolivia in South America and most of Cent ral America and the Caribbean including Panama and Honduras. Other nations in South Asia including India and Pakistan, plus Manner and Mongolia. Anomalies: Bolivia in South America, Libya in Africa, North Korea, the Balkans in Europe. HIVE/AIDS 1. Explain which of the maps is the most useful 2. Using the map on the right describe the distribution of people living with HIVE Explaining the development gap:

How does dispute resolution save school districts money?

School districts involve multi-party stakeholders holding different, although interrelated, interests that could clash and cause disputes. Disputes are costly by pulling time away from other management tasks and resources for dispute resolution that could be of better use in development projects. Dispute resolution could usher cost savings, which is important given the limited resources of school districts.One way of achieving cost savings through dispute resolution is the mitigation of the further impact of leaving a dispute to self-arrest or preventing the worsening of conditions. Dispute resolution means getting at the core or root of the problem and applying the appropriate solution to stop the impact and prevent the development of more serious problems (Burgess & Burgess, 1997). Doing so means not incurring any additional costs from the extended impact of disputes or the worsening of disputes.Another way of achieving cost savings via resolving disputes is by building better rela tions among the parties involved in managing school districts and affected by the actions and decisions of school district administrators. The dispute resolution process reconciles differing interests to create collaborative relations (Deutsch, Coleman & Marcus, 2006). This settles the existing conflict and prevents future conflicts. This means cost savings on potential conflicts and non-realization of contingency plans that require expenditures.Still another way that dispute resolution saves school districts money is by enhancing the experience of school districts in recognizing potential disputes and applying the appropriate solutions (Deutsch et al. , 2006). This improves the efficiency of school districts not only in handling disputes but also in strategy development. Efficiency means cost effectiveness or optimized outcomes for every input used. Dispute resolution ushers cost savings for school districts as a pro-active strategy that mitigates costs, prevents further costs, and allocates costs for appropriate solutions. References Burgess, H., & Burgess, G. M. (1997). Encyclopedia of conflict resolution. Santa Barbara,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   CA: ABC-Clio Inc. Deutsch, M., Coleman, P. T., & Marcus, E. C. (2006). The handbook of conflict resolution. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bismark and the Unification of Germany Essay

1. a. The reference made here to ‘our national development won in 1866’ is an allusion to the additional power Prussia gained after its â€Å"Seven Week’s War† with Austria in 1866, which changed the balance of power in the German states, making Prussia, in stead of the now-defeated Austria, the leader of the Germanic countries. b. The â€Å"heredetary Prince of Hohenzollern† is actually the prince from the Prussian royal family chosen by the Spanish to be their leader. France had complained, and sent an ambassador to the Prussian king to get his assurance that the prince would forever renounce the Spanish throne. The king refused, and wrote a telegram to Bismarck telling him of this. This telegram (though modified here) is the one published in Germany by Bismarck in order to gain public support for a war on France. 2. The source of the telegram had been Ems, where the Prussian King was taking a leave of absence. The king sent this telegram to Bismarck to inform him of the turn of events pertaining to the French ambassador. The ambassador had wanted the king to agree that he would bind himself â€Å"for all future time never again to give his consent if the Hohenzollerns should renew their candidature†1, meaning that the king would agree to never again let any person from the Prussian royal family take power in Spain. 3. Prussia was â€Å"compelled† to go to war with France in the sense that Prussian nationalists and the public demanded it, as an upholding of Prussian honor. If Prussia did not go to war with France, it would seem as if it was afraid of her and her (Prussia’s) respect among other countries, and her own people, would be diminished. What Bismarck fundamentally means is that Prussia had to uphold her honor in the face of French insults. 4. Doc. B, that is to say the excerpt from Bismarck’s memoirs, shows us that Bismarck is above all skilled at justifying himself: he very well tells us that Prussia was â€Å"compelled† to go to war France, whereas any logical deduction would dictate it was not so. However, he also shows himself to be a master politician, taking into account among other things public opinion, and being able to both manipulate it and recognize its importance. We also are shown that he is not at all shy about using deception and propaganda to achieve his aims: it was the omissions from the Ems telegram, when it was sent to be published, which made a public furor and gave Bismarck, and Napoleon III, the public backing for war. Of his aims, more is clear: it is apparent, especially if one knows the context in which this event takes place, that Bismarck wants to expand Prussian control and power, by reducing those of others. He had already done this with Austria, and now again he wanted to prove Prussia’s power against France. 5. a. This comic, or caricature as it might be called, is a very interesting doorway to comprehending Bismarck’s philosophy. In it, he is pictured in the process of breaking eggs, and saying to the kitchen maid (who could be taken to be the King of Prussia) â€Å"you can’t make omelets without breaking eggs†. This can be taken to mean that Bismarck is saying that in order to make something good (or better), one has to unavoidably destroy other things. Taken like this, it would seem that he is saying that in order to make Prussia greater, one inevitably ruffles some feathers. b. The usefulness of these documents is severely limited: the first is a caricature, a drawing, so maybe the artist compressed the message he wanted to give, so that it would go with the image, thereby destroying some of its authenticity. However, this ‘compression’ thereby allows a very large amount of information to be presented in a format comprehensible by a very large body of people (drawings). The second document (B) is somewhat different: it is an excerpt from Bismarck’s memoirs. The problem with this format is that Bismarck perchance was not totally forthcoming in these writings, knowing they would become public. Also, written by Bismarck, they would tend to show only one (the Prussian) side of the story. However, the memoir gives us also a rare insight into the thoughts of one of history’s greatest men. Sources As a general guide for context, the following source(s) were used: * Microsoft(r) Encarta(r) Online Encyclopedia Deluxe 2001 – Article(s): â€Å"Bismarck, Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von† (c)Microsoft Corp. 1997-2000 (c) All rights reserved 1 From Reflections and Reminiscences, Otto von Bismarck. This is a quote from the telegram as it was published, in its modified form, in Germany.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PICO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PICO - Essay Example There are unaddressed questions in the present clinical practice or when the circumstances cause an inv3estigator to compose a clinical research question. The intention of this research paper is to analyze the steps in the composition of a research question. The concepts of PICO (population, intervention control and outcome) along with evidence based research will be further examined. A seven year old girl is in an emergency room with a severe tinnitus. She has a history of headaches and earaches. Her mother is concerned about the effects of acetaminophen. Her daughter is complaining of stomach problems and nausea after the ingestion of acetaminophen, she is worried about the ringing in her ears. The mother would like to know if the acetaminophen that she has been administering to her daughter is effective or is there a better intervention. This where the concept of PICO and evidence based practice come into effect for the nursing health care professional. Information must be gathered about the patient. The resources available for treatment must be assessed. The questions that are to be asked by the nursing and health care practitioner are the following: Expanding upon the concept of PICO, there is also an order of importance to the strength of evidence. This order of importance assists in ensuring the validity of the research sources, as the research sources presenting stronger evidence are preferred over the research sources with evidence which presents less strength (Zhao et al., 2010). 2. Innovation and implementation- The nursing professional is not simply a health care professional. The nursing professional is also an enabler who facilitates the process of healing. Patient centered care should become a more important concept in medical industry trends and evidence based research. This perspective for the health care professional is to search for the causes, developments and outcomes of an illness (Ray, 2004). Descartes, the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Cross Elasticity of Demand and Indifference Curve Assignment

The Cross Elasticity of Demand and Indifference Curve - Assignment Example Indifference curve depicts equal levels of utility (satisfaction) for a consumer faced with various combinations of goods. There is no preference for one combination versus another as they render the same amount of satisfaction for the consumer. Consumer theory uses indifference curves and budget constraints to produce consumer demand curves. The curves are convex to the origin as a result of diminishing marginal utility. Ans: When the price elasticity of demand is less than one, the demand is inelastic. When the demand is inelastic, a given change in price causes a smaller proportionate change in the quantity demanded. Inelastic demand is for things which do not have a close substitute. When a tax is imposed on the product, the consumer bears the burden of the tax. The more inelastic the demand, the greater financial burden of a tax is placed on the consumer. When the demand is perfectly inelastic, the entire burden of a given tax will be borne by the consumer. Ans: In order to maximize profit, a firm would always try to sell more and more pollution permits and avoid buying permits for own, if possible. At the same time, there will be an effort to improve the efficiency of production to reduce pollution by less waste generation and yet keeping production cost low. Thus, the total cost of pollution abatement would be influenced by the degree of a transaction of pollution permits. For example, if a fir m earns high revenue from trading permits, it would not mind spending a part of the profit in reducing waste generation or carrying out better pollution abatement. Since eventually, it is the environmental groups who would be buying more and number of permits from most of the firms, the firms would be forced to generate less and less waste and the overall cost of pollution abatement will go down till an optimal level of pollution abatement is reached.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Septic Shock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Septic Shock - Essay Example The patient’s skin appears warm, dry and flushed. I called the resident-on-call to report these deviations in the vital signs, and he ordered 2 intravenous boluses of NSS (normal saline solution) 500cc and oxygen administration of 2 liters per minute via nasal prongs (NP). There is no order for serum lactate measurement or arterial blood gas analysis. There are also no orders for blood culture, blood chemistry, or even antibiotics. Four hours after surgical ICU admission, my patient was still in high fever, having a systolic BP of 75 mmHg, HR of 145 per minute, RR of more than 40 breaths per minute, low oxygen saturation, decreased LOC (level of consciousness) and decreased urine output (see table 1 for summary of the trend). I called the resident-on-call again, but there was no response. I called the RRT (rapid response team) instead. See the following Table for the trend: Vital Signs 2 hours later 4 hours later BP 75/40 mmHg 75 mmHg systolic HR 130 per minute 145 per minute RR 30 per minute 40 per minute Oxygen Saturation 88% It would appear that this was not recognized appropriately as management of the patient did not improve the cardiovascular status. Within the four-hour span of surgical ICU admission, most assessment, diagnostic procedures, medical and evaluation necessary for septic shock management were absent, and there was only two hours remaining for the 6-hour crucial period of the Sepsis Resuscitation Bundle. Case Outline In a normal physiology, the three components of blood circulation compensate each other to maintain the normal circulation, which are the heart, the vascular tone and the blood volume in maintaining adequate systemic perfusion. For example, if there is inadequate circulating blood volume, the baroreceptors of the aortic arch will signal the heart to increase the heart rate to raise blood pressure. Other organs in the circulation, like the kidneys, will compensate as well, like the activation of rennin-angiotensin-aldostero ne system, which will also increase the vascular tone and stimulate fluid retention. When these compensatory mechanisms fail to maintain an effective systemic perfusion, shock occurs as a result (Black & Hawks, 2005). The inadequacy of systemic perfusion in septic shock is only an aftermath of the systemic effects of microorganisms present in the body, whether it is in the bloodstream (septicemia) or localized infection. A number of risk factors are associated with septic shock: age, co-existing infection, co-existing hepatic, renal and heart failure, decreased white blood cells, unknown source of infection, corticosteroid use, and retention of foreign body in the system (Leibovici et al, 1997; Labelle et al, 2008; Annane et al, 2003; Brun-Buisson et al, 1995). It is uncertain whether infection occurred from the patient’s previous abdominal surgery or otherwise. Black and Hawks (2005) gives an excellent pathophysiology of septic shock. The invading pathogen releases endotoxin s which generates a myriad of reactions in the body. One is the activation of kinins, specifically bradykinin, which is the main responsible for the hypovolemic state in septic shock since it causes vasodilation, decreasing blood pressure and venous return. When the offending microorganism is destroyed, tumor

Friday, July 26, 2019

Countries in the World that Have Equally Alarming Debt Movie Review

Countries in the World that Have Equally Alarming Debt - Movie Review Example However, it is sometimes worth asking if people really mean they say America has a debt problem. The documentary the Overdraft analyzes the United States’ federal budget records, it is apparent that the insurmountable debt load of the United States has piled up. In fact, the 2008 financial crisis exacerbated the situation; however, there are needs to solve the situation before it becomes a crisis. Therefore, the documentary has provided compiled views of Americans from different professions and social settings on financial and economic effects of the America’s debt load /on America and the rest of the world. Despite these views providing means and ways forward for addressing this issue, some of the views are inappropriate. However, Jay Fishman’s ideas on the future effects of current America’s debt on the citizens is true since unless the debt is paid, it will continue to accumulating thereby passing the burden to the generations to come. Fishman said, â€Å"The inevitable impact of demographic trends in the U.S. will result in additional federal spending of $1 trillion more in 2020 than today's level. Absent action, the cumulative effect of this trend has the ability to compromise America's future significantly (overdraft, 00:26:00.)† However, the sentiments of Herbert Hoover could not be taken seriously for this matter when claimed that the young generation is blessed since they were only to inherit the nation's debt. How can someone be blessed when he or she is actually inheriting a problem? He said, â€Å"Blessed are the young because they will inherit the natio nal debt (overdraft, 00:49:00).† Adding on Fishman contributions, it true that when the problem of debt is addressed in time, the nation that the country will take the country hostage especially when their debts have grown to high or unplayable by the national government. The new lessons learned from the documentary include that idea that the national debts can crow to a level that the national  government can never be able to pay.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Strategic management - Case Study Example Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments. Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the

Company Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Company Overview - Essay Example Mr. Daryl Scholz is a project management coordinator that utilizes project management methodologies to plan, implement, and evaluate projects related to technology for the Information Technology Services department. Scholz works with numerous projects including, curriculum navigator, map works, student dashboard, centralized ticketing, web CMS, and the student portal. Even though Mr. Daryl Scholz is managing many projects, we narrowed it down to his latest accomplishment, the HuskeyNet Student Portal. The purpose of the HuskeyNet Student Portal Project was to create a user-friendly, customizable portal for student to use. It was student tested and students can implement ideas and suggestions to how or what they want the portal to have. Every project come with a challenge and the student portal did not escape to the rule. After working on the student health services and backing up thousands of student files. The student portal appeared at first sight to be an easier project. After meeting with different constituent and stockholder, they soon realize that the task was far from being a small project. Many aspects involved in this project was crucial to the success and satisfaction of students. â€Å" K and his team developed a plan that will help reach their goals. A time has to be set for the project to be delivered as soon as possible for student to be able test and implement it by fall 2012 with a period set , of one year and half, the team started refining and giving life to the project. At first sight the project presented many strength and opportunities. Students were thrill by this new look and were anxious to come and see it coming alive. The student portal was a great opportunity for workers to expand their professional skills. Instead of using it the same skills over and over again they had to master software like java. Despite K and his team was still worried about some weakness and threats that may appear along the way

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Defenations and examples Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Defenations and examples - Assignment Example They are sources of energy mainly derived from living components from a previous geological field .Fossil fuels include: petroleum, natural gas and coal (Curley, 2012). Overtime petroleum reserves have been over utilized. Consequently, there is an inevitable decline in oil reserves,which could result in serious economic problems. For example The united states of America faces a huge decline in the energy supplies in the next twenty years which will threaten the economic stability of the country. The energy sector is critical in all countries since it affects other sectors such as the agriculture and transport sector. In developing countries such as Nigeria and southern Sudan there has been constant conflicts in human rights violation due to the presence of oil reserves. Domestic Technology ensures that the human population live comfortably.It takes the form of home appliances which include computers, cars washing machines,power generators,and telephones.Consequently, people refer to technology as a tool that empowers people.For instance cars can be used to travel from one place to another. Telephones on the other hand can be used to facilitate communication, making the world a global village. However, it is important to note that some of these components can be used to commit crimes and facilitate unethical behaviors in the society. Distributive justice focuses on the fair allocation of services among the society members. Moreover, it advocates for the equal distribution of available resources to all people (Armstrong, 2012) . In developing countries, many people survive on less than a dollar a day. This clearly indicates the inequalities affecting many people around the world. Therefore, it is the mandate of the government to invest in infrastructural projects to ensure that the living standards of the people improve significantly. Lastly, there is a need for increased trading and a free

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The sing glass, the singing art Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The sing glass, the singing art - Article Example It is also obvious from first glance that those sculptures do not seem to belong there on the car. There are almost no colors used in this artwork. The glass used is clear and the car is in dull white. There is, however, some appearance of fragility in the overall art installation. The glass sculptures are sparingly placed all over the car. The curves of the sculptures are very striking, and they are even more emphasized by the soft white light that illuminates it. They are cell-like abstracts in form. The dimmed surroundings gives off a hint of bluish effect on the light illumination on the glass sculptures. This effect gives off a serene mood, which is, at first, both amusing and perplexing at the same time. The rust on various places on the car is also emphasized by the car’s dull white color. Interestingly, even without immediately realizing the message of the artwork, one can immediately sense that the car is somewhat giving way to the glass sculptures. One would later on realize that the oldness of the car and the newness of the glass sculptures are part of the overall message of the artwork. Upon closer and longer inspection and reflection, it becomes apparent that Aoki is trying to depict bacterial growth on the car. The glass sculptures represent spores of fungi that seem to overtake the car. By this time, it is understood that the oldness of the car seems to say that old things give way to news growths. It could have a different meaning altogether, or it could be taken at face value --- where old things or surfaces become ideal places for fungi growth. By this time, too, it is understood that the light seems to say that these things (microorganisms) are usually unseen and ignored, and one needs to cast light over them to make them go noticed. Aoki might also be trying to say that bacteria are everywhere, but they are always unseen. This is just like the characteristic of the glass used. Glass is usually unnoticed, unless

Monday, July 22, 2019

Defendant Ling’s Market Essay Example for Free

Defendant Ling’s Market Essay Facts: Kim was shopping for dinner at Ling’s Market, as Kim entered she slipped and fell due to the water accumulated on the floor (that the manager was aware of) because of the high winds and rain that blew into the Market each time the door was opened. Kim suffered a back injury as a result of the fall. Kim filed suit against Ling’s Market, the defendant, arguing that Lings performed a â€Å"tort of negligence† due to their absence of a warning about the wet floor, and disregard in the exercise of a â€Å"reasonable degree of care to protect business invitees. † Issue: To prove that the defendant, Ling’s should be liable for Kim’s injuries, the plaintiff, must prove that Lings did not in fact exercise a reasonable degree of care to protect Kim and warn her about the wet floor hazard due to the absence of a warning sign or cones, and committed a tort of negligence. Is the lack of a warning sign a tort of negligence, and should it be mandated that Lings is liable for Kim’s injuries suffered as a result of the fall? Decision: The plaintiff feels that the defendant, Ling’s Market, should in fact be liable for Kim’s injuries she suffered as a result of the fall, and a tort of negligence has been committed due to the lack of a reasonable degree of care to protect business invitees. Reasons: At it states that â€Å"A business owner is required to use due care to keep the premises presumably safe for customers, or at least to warn them of dangers that might arise from their use of the premises.† According to the author of the text, explains that a â€Å"tort of negligence occurs when someone suffers injury because of another’s failure to live up to the required duty of care.† The defendant, Lings, owed a duty of care to Kim and had breached said duty. As a result Kim suffered a legally recognizable injury. By not providing a caution sign of some sort, Lings did not adhere to the â€Å"duty of care†. The plaintiff argues that the lack in a caution sign or warning of the half inch of water standing on the floor, with the manager knowing about the danger, is in violation of Lings, duty of care. The manager knew the condition of the floor, which was a direct result of more than the mere tramping of many feet under the conditions of weather then existing. The plaintiff argues that the excess water standing on the floor (one half inch) was a foreseeable risk that the business operator (manager) was aware about and should have posted a warning about the danger. If the defendant had posted a caution about the inherent danger the plaintiff, Kim, would have been more liable to avoid the outcome (Kim’s back injury). Citations: Miller/Jentz, 9th Ed. Text, Ch 4, pg 112-115.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership Management and Motivation in Organisation

Leadership Management and Motivation in Organisation As the century unfolds, new realities are becoming clearer. New models of Leadership and Management are blossoming, some with unfounded success. For instance, focusing on working better as teams and empowering those closest to the customers to make important decisions have led to great accomplishments (Kurtzman, 2010). Management is often referred to words like efficiency, planning, paperwork, procedures, regulations, control, and consistency whereas Leadership is often associated with words like vision, creativity and risk-taking (Yukl, 2005). It has also been said that management is basically a control-laden activity; whereas leadership is basically a value-choosing, and thus a value-laden activity (Bass et al., 1990). Overall Management is defined as The organizational process that includes strategic planning, setting objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets needed to achieve objectives, and measuring results (Burgoyne, 1989). Leadership is defined as A process in which leader and followers interact in a way that enables the leader to influence the actions of the followers in a non-coercive way, towards the achievement of certain aims or objectives (Rollinson and Broadfield, 2002) In Kotters (1996) view Management relates to planning, controlling and organising whereas leadership relates to visioning, networking, creating, coping with change and building relationship. Leadership is often considered grander, more lucrative and admirable, in a word: better, than the less visible, fundamentally based, management (Hughes et al., 2009). The relationship between management and leadership is summarised in Appendix 1. From this we can argue are managers leaders or vice versa. As Zaleznik (1977) claims that in a bureaucratic society which breeds managers may restrain young leaders who need mentor and emotional interchange to develop. But Raelin (2004) argued that managers are not excluded from leadership. He says there is a potential for leadership to emerge from any individual under the right sets of circumstances. I would argue from my personal experience that managers can be leaders and vice versa depending on individual capabilities, skills and adapting change, as in Lloyds banking Group (LBG) we have managers as our team leaders and are quite successful in switching their roles and understanding the responsibilities of both managers and leaders. The concept was that as managers have some formal authority to influence subordinates behaviour they can easily occupy the role of leadership. However, just because the authority was there, it did not mean that subordinates will willingly assent to its use. There had been issues initially when they find it hard to switch over and look from leaders point of view, which caused problems in bonding with employees and lack of motivation. This resulted in getting all the managers trained on leadership programmes and understanding the needs or requirements of employees from their leaders. This was again based on how individual managers reacted to situations where they were able to keep their managerial ego aside and think as a team. Some of the managers were very good at switching over and thinking from a team perspective whereas some struggled. Overall we can argue that Zaleznik argument regarding management and leadership requires different types of people can be true, if an individual cannot cope with the changing organisation requirements. But in LBG we have seen that managers successfully play leaders role and vice versa to save cost or to adapt change and thus falsify Zalezniks argument. But as Rollinson and Broadfield (2002) often focus on managers can be leaders, this is not an inevitable state of affairs. Even though it is widely assumed that leadership can be taught to anybody, it is probably far more realistic to regard management and leadership as two complementary activities (Kotter, 1988), each one having its own unique functions. Motivation Quality work being top priority in organisations all over world as the use of contingent workers is on the rise. Managing knowledge workers continues to perplex experienced managers across divergent industries. And globalization and the challenges of managing across borders are now the norm instead of the exception. These changes can have a profound influence on how companies attempt to attract, retain, and motivate their employees (Steers et al., 2004) Motivation, in contrast, results when the person believes that engaging in the behaviour will result in some desired experience or outcome. Motivation is then differentiated into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (Herzberg et al., 1957) Intrinsic Motivation is where people may be motivated by the relationship between the worker and the task. It takes place when people feel that the work they do is interesting, challenging and have opportunities for advancement and growth. Extrinsic Motivation takes place when people may be motivated by factors in the external environment such as pay, supervision, benefits, and job perks The process of motivation is broadly based on a number of motivational theories. In this paper we will asses few motivational theories (Appendix 2) and asses these theories to identify what motivates people. Instrumental Theory: Initially in the second half of 19th century a concept of Instrumental Theory stated that people work only for money. Motivation using this approach is exclusively based on system of external control and fails to recognise a number of other human needs (Armstrong and Stephens, 2005). Maslow Needs Theory: The basic of this theory is the belief that an unsatisfied need creates tension and disequilibrium. Maslow (1954) formulated the concept of hierarchy of needs and believed that reasons people go to work changes. It starts from the fundamental physiological needs and leads through safety, social and esteems needs to the need for self-fulfilment. He believed that only an unsatisfied need can motivate behaviour and the dominant need is the prime motivator of behaviour. Herzbergs Two-Factor Model (Motivation-Hygiene): Herzbergs (1957) theory sates that the factors giving rise to job satisfaction are distinct from the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. His research led him to conclude that hygiene factors such as pay, status, security, company policies and administration were rarely high motivators. People tend to take fringe benefits and good working conditions for granted, but when they are removed they had a highly demotivating effect. A salary increase had a short-term motivating effect when it was felt to be deserved, while what was felt to be an unfair salary was a long-lasting demotivator. Overall all these theories adopt a psychologically universal view, which assumes that everyone has a common set of needs and conveys the impression that people are predictable in terms of what motivates them. Moreover all these theories mostly ignore the crucial issue of individual differences and also to the potentially powerful effects of different national and organisational cultures as factors that can shape human needs (Bagher, 2010). In a work environment, it is sometimes viewed as the difference between what people can do and what they will do. In the practical workplace LBG uses various motivation models one of the highly used motivational models is Support and Challenge Principles Model. Support and Challenge Principles Model (Sheppard Moscow, 1980): This model suggests that to achieve working relationship requires a balance of appropriate and agreed supportive and challenging behaviours. The two axes of support and challenge when put together create four potential workplace environments as shown in fig below: High Support Comfortable high S performance performance U environment environment P P O R T apathetic stressful performance performance environment environment CHALLENGE High Challenge To get the most from your working relationships, it is important to agree how best to work together to maximise performance and minimise tension. One way of thinking about this is to think of in the terms of developing a way of working that is both challenging and supportive. The list of behaviours in each of the categories is detailed in Appendix 3. Different roles and situations will use different mixes of these two categories and depending upon the situation, the same individual can find any of these conditions or characteristics supporting or challenging. If the workplace situation remains very comfortable or alphabetic for a long time, then additional challenges will stimulate the move towards high performance. On the other hand if the workplace situation remains very stressful for too long, then support to help manage the implications is highly effective. Though, there will be times when short periods of high challenges or high support are appropriate e.g. at the end of a particular busy period, comfort is a reward and high challenges can be very stimulating and energising in short bursts (LBG, 2011). Managements main interest in motivation is in the prospects it offers for bringing employee behaviour under tight control. Thus what interest managers most is not the process of motivation but employee behaviour. However we can hardly blame managers for believing that motivation theory offers this opportunity, because content and process theories both imply that if we know o persons needs, the person can be motivated (Armstrong and Stephens, 2005). Thus from the above we have seen different aspects of motivation and it might appear that there is an element of contradiction in what they say. Content theories deal with the needs that give rise to motivated behaviour, but perhaps oversimplify matters because they tend to portray human beings as having a homogenous set of needs. Nevertheless, as long as due allowance is made for individual differences, this does not detract from their potential usefulness. Process theories have a different emphasis: they seek to explain the dynamics of the motivation process and so much greater account is taken of individual differences (Bagher, 2010). Leadership Historically, leadership has been conceived around a single individual in a specialised role, the relationship of that individual to subordinates or followers, and the individuals actions. There are several major paradigms of leadership (Appendix 4), such as the traits (great man), skills and styles approaches, situational and contingency approaches, charismatic and transformational approaches (Northouse, 2007, p2; Bass, 1990). Action-Centred Leadership The action-centred theory of leadership is based on extensive research by John Adairs (1984), which focuses on the group and the needs that leader must meet. Adair argues that there are eight functions you must carry out, to meet these needs. These functions can be learned, practised, observed and refined. Source: (Bagher, 2010: 186) Task need: A team leader needs to bring together the group to achieve a task by providing clear instructions and reasons so each member must know and understand what is expected of them. Team need: Good leaders create groups which function best when they share the sense of purpose along with collaborating work efficiently, effectively, with a sense of pride and responsibility by maintaining or setting new standards. Individual need: People or individuals are heart of any team but they have physical and psychological needs like better working conditions, status, opportunities to develop, build confidence and motivation. From this it follows that being effective as a leader is not just a matter of choosing a specific style of behaviour, but arriving at an appropriate balance between the three functions. Encouraging communication between team members is key to creating a team that will continue to work well when the leader is absent. This resilience is valuable and might be referred to as team sustainability. Leadership Power The link between leadership and power is a strong one and many of the theories of leadership can equally be framed as theories of power. Effective leading depends on relying on different power bases at different times as per need. At its simplest, the way you wield power to get compliance can be appropriate or inappropriate. Appropriate use of power can be described as influence, while inappropriate use can be described as bullying. Source: French and Raven (1960) References Armstrong, M. and Stephens, T. (2005) Employee Reward Management and Practice, London: Kogan Page Limited. Bagher, M. (2010) Organisational Behaviour: a contemporary approach, 2nd Edition, Harlow: Pearson. Bass, B., Bass, B. and Stogdill, R. (1990) Bass Stogdills Handbook of Leadership, New York: Simon Schuster. Burgoyne, J. (1989) Management Development: Context and Strategies, Aldershot: Gower. Herzberg, F., Mausner, B. and Snyderman, B. (1957) The Motivation to Work, New York: Wiley Hughes, R., Ginnett, R. and Curphy, G. (2009) Leadership, 6th ed., Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kotter, J. (1988) The Leadership Factor, New York: Free Press. Kotter, J. P. (1996) Leading Change, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Kurtzman, J. (2010) Common Purpose: How Great Leaders Get Organizations to Achieve the Extraordinary, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Maslow, A. (1954) Motivation and Personality, New York: Harper Row. Raelin, J. A. (2004) Dont bother putting leadership into people, Academy of Management Executive, 18(3): 12-28. Rollinson, D. and Broadfield, A. (2002) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall. Steers, R., Mowday, R. and Shapiro, D. (2004) The Future of Work Motivation Theory, Academy of Management Review, 29(3): 379-387. Yukl, G. (2005) Leadership in Organizations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Zaleznik, A. (1977) Managers and Leaders: are they different?, Harvard Business Review, (May/June) 55(3): 67-77. French, J. P. R., and Raven, B. (1960) The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright and A. Zander (eds.), Group dynamics (pp. 607-623), New York: Harper and Row. Appendix 1 A Comparison of Management and Leadership Competencies. Source: Northouse, 2007, p. 10. Appendix 2 Summary of Motivation Theories and their practical implications Theory Theorist Summary of theory Practical implications Instrumentality Taylor People will be motivated to work if rewards and penalties are tied directly to their performance. Conceptual basis of incentives and pay for performance schemes. Needs Maslow Unsatisfied needs create tension and disequilibrium. To restore the balance a goal is identified which will satisfy the need, and a behaviour pathway is selected which will lead to the achievement of the goal. Only unsatisfied needs motivate. Identifies a number of key needs for consideration in developing total reward policies. Two-Factor Herzberg The factors giving rise to job satisfaction (and motivation) are distinct from the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Any feeling of satisfaction resulting from pay increase is likely to be short-lived compared with the long-lasting satisfaction from the work itself. Makes a distinction between intrinsic motivation arising from the work itself and extrinsic motivation provided by employer, e.g. pay. A useful distinction is made between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation which influences total reward decisions. The limited motivational effects of pay increases are worth remembering when considering the part contingent pay can play in motivating people. Expectancy Vroom Motivation is likely only when a clear perceived and usable relationship exists between performance and outcome and the outcome is seen as a means of satisfying needs. Provides the foundation for good practice in the design and management of contingent pay. The basis for the concept of the line of sight which emphasises the importance of establishing a clear link between the reward and what has to be done to achieve it. Goal Latham and Locke Motivation and performance are higher when individuals are set specific goals, when the goals are difficult but accepted and when there is feedback on performance. Provides a theoretical underpinning for performance management processes to ensure that they contribute to motivation through goal setting and feedback. Equity Adams People will be better motivated if they are treated equitably and de-motivated if they are treated inequitably. Emphasis the need to develop an equitable reward system involving the use of job evaluation. Source: (Armstrong and Stephens, 2005) Definitions of key Job Dimensions Job Dimensions Definition Work Satisfaction: The extent to which an employee is satisfied with work, including opportunities for creativity and task variety, allowing an individual to increase his or her knowledge, changes in responsibility, amount of work, security, and job enrichment (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990; Smith et al, 1969) Pay Satisfaction: The extent to which an employee forms an attitude toward pay based on perceived difference between actual pay and the expected pay. Expected pay is based on the value of perceived inputs and outputs of the job and the pay of other employees holding similar jobs or possessing similar qualifications (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990) Supervision Satisfaction: The extent to which an employee is satisfied with his or supervision, as measured by consideration and employee-centred actions of the supervisor and the perceived competency of the supervisor by the subordinate (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990, Herzberg et al, 1957) Satisfaction with promotions: The degree to which an employee is satisfied with the Companys promotion policy, including frequency of promotions, and the desirability of promotions (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990, Herzberg et al 1957) Co-workers Satisfaction: The work-related interaction and the mutual liking or admiration of fellow employees (Bazler and Smith et al, 1990, Smith et al, 1969, Alderfer, 1969) Overall Job Satisfaction: The extent to which an individuals desires, expectations and needs are fulfilled by employment (Szilagi, Sims, and Terrill, 1977) Appendix 3 WHEN SUPPORTING EXPLORE Ideas Build on STRENGTHS Offer HELP and guidance Ask OPEN questions LISTEN actively Give PRAISE DISCLOSE similar experiences TRUST intentions WHEN CHALLENGING Ask PROBING questions Point out AVOIDANCE behaviour Offer ALTERNATIVE opinions Tell people what you EXPECT Share FEELINGS State COSEQUENCES Set STRETCHING targets ASSERT your views Having Things Like Resources Time Funding Direction Guidance Assistance Ideas Tools or Methods Willing collaborators A climate of openness and honesty Emotional support Having Things Like Confronting feedback from others New opportunities Unfamiliar grounds Doing things in a different way Working with fresh people Learning new behaviours New tools or processes Demanding stakeholders High work volumes Tight timescales Personal ambition

British Invasion Of Black Soul Music Music Essay

British Invasion Of Black Soul Music Music Essay In the early 1960s before the British invasion black soul music, Doo wop, Motown and RB dominated the American audiences. The 1960s saw the civil rights movement. In 1963, a march on Washington saw the passing of the civil rights act of 1964 which outlawed discrimination in public accommodations and employment. This followed with the assassination of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, spurring riots in 125 US cities in 1968, coinciding with the civil rights act of 1968. The 1960s saw Billboard change the name of its RB chart to Soul, but the term Soul had been used as a label since the mid 50s. It had its beginnings in the 1950s when Ray Charles exploited the gospel sound to create fusions of black religious and RB music with songs such as I got a woman based on the gospel song My Jesus is all the World. Sam Cooke also contributed a great deal to Soul. Cooke produced an almost unbroken sequence of hits from 1957 to 1964, the year of his death his music gave proof that anything was possible. This influenced artists who would later become global black Soul performers such as Aretha Franklin, The Falcons and James Brown. Groups such as The Angels, The Shirelles and The Righteous Brothers helped to popularize the music as mainstream. For much of the 1960s soul could be seen as the umbrella term for black popular music, which dominated American audiences in the early to mid 1960s. However one of the biggest success stories was the Detroit based Motown, which could be seen as pop soul which gave fame to names such as Diana Ross, Gladys Knight and Smokey Robinson. Tamla Motown was created by Berry Gordy Jr and although the stars were all black, you couldnt fully define it as black music as the intent was to make music palatable to white audiences. Gordy was also known to have controlled the performing styles and clothes in a way to prepare them for the wider mainstream audience. Amongst the most successful of his artist was Marvin Gaye, who was the first to take his artistic control over his recordings and repertoire. The East Coast DooWop and girl groups also made a contribution to African-American music during the 1960s. They were singers and groups whose origins were found on the street corners in the form of cappella groups found in many urban centres. With very rare exceptions, these groups did not write their own songs, but relied on their handlers to set up the recording sessions, pick the material, and produce the records. In fact, many of these behind-the-scenes people eventually became stars in their own right in the seventies. The influence of Doo Wop can be seen in soul music through groups such as William Robinsons, The Miracles who started a Doo Wop group whilst at school. White popular music of the UK developed into one of the most leading musics in the world. Through the 1950s there existed a barely understood American style. Rock and Roll. At the beginning of 1960 American pop music continued to set the patterns of the native musical efforts in the UK. The US contribution to the British charts was large and extremely important At this point- the twist was in full swing, Chubby Checker, Elvis Presley and Jerry Lee Lewis dominated the British charts. After rock and roll, Britain returned to its traditional values with the likes of Cliff Richard and Living Doll which brought mums and dads along as well. For a short while in Britain at the end of the 1950s into the early 60s there was a revival of American Skiffle, made popular by Skiffle artist, Lonnie Donegan. Skiffle was the first attempt undertaken to appropriate American popular music. It was a growing interest in rural and urban blues. Many of these interests involved a conservative nostalgia for the authentic of some imagined yesteryear. Skiffle would later influence John Lennon and Paul Mcartney in their first band The Quarrymen and The Beatles. We can also see the influence of African American artists through British RB which developed as a major musical movement in the early 1960s, initially in London, but also in other urban centres in the UK, as predominately young white male musicians attempted to emulate the style and recordings of African American RB artists. We can see this influence through The Rolling Stones. Muddy Waters used song extension to transform 1940s Chicago Blues. This was achieved by reviving repertoire he had learnt and increasing amplification. 15 years later The Stones and subsequently Cream and Canned Heat followed his example in substance as well as spirit by themselves drawing from the same source. Thus The Stones recorded I Just want to make love to you and I cant be Satisfied. Blues songs and influences continued to surface in the Rolling Stones music throughout their long career. Cream made versions of the delta blues and Canned Heat took their inspiration from the delta bluesman Tommy Johnson. This song copying tradition played a big role in the pop music.- All these African American influences such as Skiffle, RB and Soul along with white American Rock and Roll gave way to Beat music or the Merseybeat. Bands who defined this genre were largely the Beatles but also Hermans Hermits and Gerry and the Pacemakers, to name a few. In Walter Everetts The Beatles as Musicians he describes their compositional style as imitations of buddy holly and RB techniques practised by the witty guitarist Chuck Berry, the energetic Little Richard, and the humorous and skilful coasters After the large success of the Merseybeat in the UK, it transformed over to the US led by The Beatles on the 7th of February 1964. This would be then followed by other beat, pop and rock groups. Among the most successful bands in the genre were the Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, Manfred Mann, The Animals, the Spencer Davis Group and The Who. Many of these bands dominated the UK and US charts from 1964, becoming a second wave of British Invasion acts in the US, and in the UK were central to the Mod subculture. Several of the bands and their members went on to become leading rock music performers of the late 1960s and early 1970s, helping to create sub-genres that included psychedelic, progressive and hard rock and making RB a key component of that music. However the British Invasion ended careers of black artists such as chubby checker and fats domino with only a handful surviving such as the Motown artists. However soul music did remain popular through evolved forms such as Funk which can be associated to James Brown. This later developed into Funk and Soul influenced by Phychedelic Rock. A good example would be the band Sly and the Family Stone and their album Stand! who were successful. However groups such as The Miracles and The Supremes found it hard to keep up with the changing trends and could never recover. Black music charted a musical path different from white rock. Although much black music crossed over to the pop charts, black performers did not share common ground with their white counterparts.-

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Essay example -- Civil Rights, Homosexual

The issue of legalizing same-sex marriage is one of great controversy. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. People opposing gay marriage argue that a couple of the same sex getting married would redefine the word marriage, the purpose of marrying is to procreate, and they should settle for Civil Unions instead. I feel that all fifty states in the U.S. should allow same-sex marriages. Only in the states of, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, California, along with the District of Columbia are gay couples allowed to marry. There are more states that allow first cousins to marry. Same-sex marriage is very important with gay couples and activists in today's society. One of the main reasons is that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. â€Å"Because gay couples are unable to have children, they should not be allowed to marry† (Schiffen 495) If this is one of their strongest arguments, then marriage licenses should be denied to all couples who are unable to conceive, meaning: men and women over the age of seventy, infertile women, and sterile men. However this is not the case, which is why that argument is invalid. On January 1, 2002, a bill became effective to give members of registered same-sex and opposite-sex couples the right to adopt a partner's child. According to the American Psychological Associ ation, August 11, 2010 press release â€Å"American Psychological Association Reiterates Support for Same-sex Marriage† Research has shown that marriage provides substantial psychological and phy... ...vernment guarantees equal rights for all citizens. Works Cited Bidstup, Scott. "Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives." 13 Oct. 2000. 1 Nov. 2011 Malone, John. "21st Century Gay" M. Evans and Company, Inc. 2001 Murphy, Jenny. Should Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry? 3 February 2000 National Campaign for Same-Sex Marriage...Draws Political and Religious Opposition." CQ Researcher. (Vol.#)(1996): 420-423. Say, Elizabeth A. and Kowalewski, Mark R. Gays, Lesbians, and Family Values The Pilgrim Press. 1998 "Should Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry?" Http:// 11 Aug. 2010. American Psychological Association. 29 Oct. 2011 .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lynyrd Skynyrds Song Freebird :: essays research papers

On their Gold and Platinum album Lynyrd Skynyrd produced a song titled Free bird. It is a very popular song that turned out to be a big hit all over the country. It was written by band members Allen Collins and Ronnie VanZant. I think that this is a very good song with good lyrics that display a lot of meaning. Lynyrd Skynyrd is a southern rock band that has been very popular throughout the late nineteen hundreds. They have produced many songs on many different albums. Songs that come to my mind are What’s Your Name, Simple Man, Sweet Home Alabama, and Free bird. The two main people of this band, or should I say most powerful members were Allen Collins, and Ronnie VanZant. They did a majority of the song writing and seemed to be the two always in the spotlight. One of my favorite songs they produced was Free bird. I have two ideas of what I think this song means. The first one is that I think it is about a guy who is leaving his girlfriend. He says, I must be traveling on now because there’s too many places I’ve got to see. It seems to me that he wants to go because there is other things he wants to do. He wants to be a free man and get away. He also says, that if I stay with you girl things just couldn’t be the same. He states that he is free as a bird now and this bird you can not change. The way I kind of understand it is that maybe he has a problem and she don’t like it and wants him to change, but he knows he cant. I think he comes to believe that the only way to solve the problem is if he just leaves and lives his own life as he wants to. I believe that goes to show why he says he is a free bird that she can not change. Another way I interpreted it, was as a one-night stand and he was talking about what wou ld happen the next day when he has to leave. I think he might like her, but cant change. By changing I think he cant just settle down and be with someone he loves. I think he is too into the one-night stand thing and cant change his lifestyle be dedicated to having a girl friend.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mass Hesteria in Massachusetts (Again) :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Mass Hesteria in Massachusetts (Again) In 1986, a Massachusetts day-care worker named Gerald Amirault was convicted of sex crimes against children -- crimes so hideous they almost defied description. Also convicted were his mother, Violet, who owned the Fells Acres Day School, and his sister, Cheryl, who also worked there. Yesterday, after 17 years behind bars, Mr. Amirault was finally granted parole. Soon he will be a free man again. Of all the miscarriages of justice committed during the era of hysteria over child sex abuse, the Amirault case is by far the worst. The evidence that convicted him was preposterous. The methods used to browbeat tiny tots into producing it have been thoroughly discredited. His innocence has been obvious for years. Yet a succession of prosecutors, judges and state governors (to say nothing of the media) did their best to keep him rotting. Fells Acres was started by Gerald's mother, who, over 20 years, built it into a solid family business. Thousands of pre-school children passed through its doors. Gerald, a soft-spoken, gentle man, was good with the kids. He was a husband and father himself. But there was a new social panic in the air. Across North America, day-care workers were being accused of mass child sex abuse. Social workers sensed a cause, and ambitious prosecutors sensed an opportunity. The children, badgered to come up with lurid tales, obliged. Sympathetic juries were exhorted to believe the children. Hundreds of preschools closed; many people went to prison before their sentences were overturned. The Amirault family's troubles began when a four-year-old boy wet his pants. Gerald cleaned him up, gave him fresh pants, and sent his wet underwear home in a plastic bag. Several months later, the boy's mother, whose marriage was falling apart, phoned a child-abuse hotline and complained that Gerald had taken her son into a secret room and molested him. Two days before his third child was born, Gerald was arrested on rape charges. An usual sequence of events ensued. Police and social workers came and handed out a laundry list of "abuse symptoms" to the anxious parents of every child in the school. Then they began asking leading questions of the kids, and offering rewards for the right answers. Soon they had identified no fewer than 19 victims, who had, they said, been raped with broomsticks and forced to drink urine. The children testified that Violet cut the leg off a squirrel and tied a naked boy to a tree in front of the school while teachers and children watched.

Economics at the University of Pennsylvania Essay

Although I want to major in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, I have a passion for poetry and prose, and I would love more than anything to develop my writing skills in Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences. That program provides the disciplined and distinguished qualities that I seek. One must be a great reader before becoming a great writer, so I indulge in books of every genre to expand my range of knowledge. Literature brings me great joy, and I will strive to integrate my fondness for reading and writing into my college experience. Penn’s English Department is unique in that it provides the opportunity for students to place an emphasis on studies in creative writing. Within that framework, I want to channel my passion for poetry into academia. As founder and president of Shandong Normal University Literature Association, if accepted, I plan to visit the Kelly Writers House religiously as a way to satisfy my perpetual craving for remarkable literature. I envision myself grabbing a turkey and cheese sandwich with no mayonnaise at the 1920 Commons, then rushing off to the Kelly Writers House with an armful of books by Maya Angelou and Eric Schlosser. Gathered in a tight circle of chairs, I want to share professional works with fellow literature lovers. We will offer our own daring lines of free verse, swap suggestions, compliments, and light-hearted laughs. During workshops, my very soul seeps steadily through an invisible tube from brain to ballpoint. This complex phenomenon of input-output produces painstakingly arranged ink on paper, a painting made of letters. On my way to a morning class on modern American poetry, I will pass Oldenberg’s famed Split Button and acknowledge Mr. Franklin sitting upright in his chair. After the lecture, I can envision Professor Josephine Park and I conducting research by analyzing the influence of conflicts between America and East Asia on Asian-American texts. As part of the Penn family, I will converse with colleagues, sisters, and brothers that destiny forgot to recognize. Then, I will tutor secondary school students about reading and writing through the outreach program. Having been featured in a myriad of written works and publishing my own collections, I will roll up my sleeves and organize literary pieces in the weekly undergraduate magazine, First Call. As evening emerges, I will bike to the Van Pelt Library, work comfortably in my favorite armchair, and complete the finishing touches on a Second World War paper. Traveling to other parts of the City of Brotherly Love, study group friends and I will order a few Philly Cheesesteaks from Pat’s King of Steaks for dinner. My roommate, with lips coated in frothy toothpaste, will open the door when I get back. After taking a shower, I will dry my hair on a blue polka dot towel, sit on my bed, and chortle cheerfully while my roommate chatters about the highlights of her day. Then I will read an article about the Penn Museum from The Daily Pennsylvanian. After turning off the lights and setting my alarm clock for 6:00am, I will drape my jogging shorts and shirt on a chair for the morning. Before drifting off to sleep, I will fondly recall submitting my application to Penn, and smile in the quiet of my room, happy to be here at last.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Existence of God Essay

Descartes applies the Cogito ergo sum (I think thuslyce I am) railway line from the secondly meditation to canvas a nonher foundational truth, which is the worldly concern of graven range of mountains. He uses his personal Christian whimsey and definition of immortal to cause upon this proposition and tries to prove that manything besides him lives by contemplating his stem of graven image. This essay will explain and respect Descartes aetiologic and cause of introduction arguments for the earth of idol by identifying the meaning of dwellence in this context and the unsnarl and clean-cut rule, as well as examining apiece premise and conclusion of the proofs. Finally, this essay shall endeavour to evaluate Descartes arguments.The Third Meditation begins with Descartes instruction of his own existence. He is a cerebration thing which exists by eliminate and lucid perception, and it is t herefore impossible to be enigmatical of knowledge that he completel y understands. consequence and truth atomic number 18 equated. In dedicate to sustain the clear and diaphanous rule, Descartes essential prove the existence of a consummate(a)ive aspect and undeceiving godSince I am a thought thing, and bring on in me an mentation of graven image, whatever finally the cause whitethorn be to which my nature is attri neverthelessed, it moldinessiness of necessity be admitted that the cause must as be a thinking thing, and be possessed of at bottom it the fancy of all the beau estimationls that I attri savee to the divine nature.Descartes has an brain of deity and perceives that god would non deceive him since fantasy would mean im faultlession, and paragon is unmeasured and unblemished. Descartes likewise presents the view that with gods perfection accompanys His existence. This plunder be summarised as(P1) Descartes exists because he thinks. (P2) He exists by clear and manifest perception of things. (C1) Descartes e xists as a thinking thing. (P3) As a thinking thing, he has an intellect of an limitless and perfect deity (which is clear and distinct). (C2) beau motifl is infinite and perfect in his melodic theme. (P4) Existence is perfection. (C3) An infinite and perfect perfection exists in his intellection. This is an argument considering the idea of matinee idol alvirtuoso and does not bank on experience to prove his point. This relies on the Casual Adequacy Principle1. Descartes argues in that location must be at least as oftentimes reality in the efficient and total cause as in its publication. He pleads that his idea of a perfect perfection must itself be caused by something perfect. Descartes also defends this argument by insisting that .certainly not nothing, and so it cannot come from nothing. For example, the existence of a stone (which previously did not exist) must be produced by something which contains the components of a stone. The cause must have more reality than its effect. The flaw here is that in that respect is no definite lodge between the cause of an objective (something perfect) and its effect (idea of a perfect God). If there were, then it would act on that perfection created God, and that perfection must have been caused and created by something else, and so on and so forth, which would lead to an infinite regress. This idea therefore, does not have a impartial cause and is false.Hume argues that we can conceive of something perfect without any bearing on its factual and immediate existence. It is logically possible that some ideas have no cause. If the idea of God has no cause, Descartes proposition is false and the argument fails.Another variation of this argument is that the idea that God cannot exist in Descartes top dog unless God Himself put that idea there, and that God must have brought approximately Descartes existence not himself, his parents or something else less than God, which does not have a power and perf ection to cause this, neither could an infinite serial of events, each causing the other besides not able to cause the idea of GodAltogether then, it must be concluded that the mere fact that I exist and I have within me the idea of the most perfect being, that is, God, provides a very clear proof that God indeed exists.This can be summarised as(P5) If the cause of Descartes idea of God must not come from himself, his parents, something else or infinite serial publication of events. (C4) and so the cause of Descartes idea of God is God. (C3) An infinite and perfect God exists in his idea. (P6) Neither himself, his parents, something else, nor an infinite series of events causes Descartes existence. (C5) Descartes existence is caused by God. (P7) If God created Descartes. (C6) Then God exists. This argument depends more on assertion than logical progression, but Descartes goes on to try and prove through the aetiological or trademark argument that the aim of the idea of God in our judicial decision way of life that God has stamped it there. It is innate and cannot be explained by experience. Descartes idea of God is clear and distinct, and by God he means infinity and perfection. This can be summarised as(P3) Descartes has a clear and distinct idea of God. (P8) Only something infinite and perfect can create something infinite and perfect. (P9) The only infinite and perfect being is God. (C7) The idea of God must be created by God (the same as C4 but re intelligence agencyed) (P3) Descartes has a clear and distinct idea of God. (C8) God exists clearly and clearly in his idea (the same as C3 but reworded) If both(prenominal) P3 and C8 are true, Descartes is guilty of circular logical thinking (begging the question fallacy). This argument relies upon its conclusion. It also follows God exists only as an idea. However, Descartes claims that there are different kinds of clear and distinct perceptions one that could be subjected to incertitude, for instance 1 + 1 = 2 is a judgement (which corresponds to things that exist independently of him) and can be doubted unless God confirms it, and, therefore, potentially doubtful. The other is that his clear and distinct perception that God exists is an idea with no judgement attached and somehow insubordinate from doubt (he cannot be wrong about the contents of his own thoughts/ideas). This makes me think that Descartes awards himself the fringe benefit of distinguishing ideas that can be clearly and distinctly perceived from those which cannot.In this essay, and in Descartes meditation, the word idea has come up many times. This leads me to conclude that the only proof that Descartes manages to establish is that God exists as an idea. He does not have to build the reality of Gods empirical existence into an idea that is already clear and distinct. However, it does not follow that anything represented by such an idea actually exists, except, of course, in the case of God (again, probably one of Descartes prerogatives).For example, within my reasoning, I possess the concept of God but do not have to opine that He exists butas a debater, I whitethorn argue that God exists for reasons which our intellect cannot grasp. This requires a leap of trust rather than hard evidence. Similarly, someone may argue that they can conceive of there being dragons. We all understand what dragons are, but do not necessarily believe they exist. It is probably therefore necessary to build empirical, actual existence into the argument to prove that anything exists in a concrete and important way.Apart from the flaws identified in Descartes arguments, much of his reasoning seems sound and valid. He has open two fundamental truths I exist and God exists to be logically necessary, clear and distinct ideas. So, as a event of logic, it does not make sense to doubt the existence of the idea of God. However, Descartes argument does subaltern to endorse my residual belief in God, which results from a convent education. The idea of God make in mans image is comprehensible to most people. Indeed, The idea of God is central to religion, and without it, religion would not exist. (Mary Warnock). This is a perfectly valid argument but no proof of Gods existence outside the mind.BibliographyBurns, E. and Law, S. 2004. Philosophy for AS and A2. Oxon Routledge Cottingham, C. 1996. Descartes Meditations of First Philosophy. Cambridge Cambridge University Press Thornes, N. 2008. AQA Philosophy. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes Ltd Vardy, P. 1999. The Puzzle of God. capital of the United Kingdom HarperCollins Publisher Warnock, M. 2010. Dishonest to God. London Continuum internationalistic Publishing GroupOnline TextbookPecorino, A (MD). 2001. Philosophy of Religion. Queensborough Community College, CUNYWebsitehttp// believe1,3461 CAP is a philosophical claim made by Desc artes that the cause of an object must contain at least as much reality as the object itself, whether formally or eminently.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Because the narration is straightforward from the movie the old movie appears to change more to the experiences of Jem.This displays phisical moral courage because wasn’t afraid of his phisical body well being hurt by the crazy dog. Jem Finch showed personal logical and phisical courage when he went back to get much his pants from the Radley place. This displayed personal and phisical courage because even though Mr. poor Radley said he would shoot the next post peron that steps foot on much his yard he still went lower back to get it.Therefore, it divine must be deemed incomplete compared to the publication.Scout Finch showed phisical courage when she faught Jem. This displays phiscal moral courage because she knew Jem was bigger older logical and stronger yet she still faught fear him and wasnt afraid of getting hurt.Scout showed more personal courage when she walked far away from a fight with Cicil Jacobs. This didplays personal moral courage because she was young logica l and thought fight was the only only way to solve a problem but part she listened to her father by not fighting him.

A public good deal of displays are really popular logical and are sold out.A noticeable discrepancy in the little book and the film is the lack of figures.The personal bias might be, everyone old has got one.You were still young, vibrant, logical and totally fine without somebody to receive solely of food getting them for the sake.

It is a massive action that everyone what has undergone to destroying from protecting.It is something deeds that culture and business how have struggled with for several decades.The circumstance is accepted by atticus.Of course atticus, demonstrates a variety of courage.

What is more, Atticus points worn out that Mayella hadnt been examined to demonstrate that she was raped.Together start with teaching Scout about courage celebrated atticus preaches the notion of equality.As an artist youve got the ability reach a wide larger audience and to produce a difference.If you are interested email me.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Martha McCaskey The Seleris Associates Industry Analysis Case Study

For the de fictional char represente chromatic 18 months Martha McC packey has been an monitory operator with risque rectitude and been de scratchingalizeate as a discombobulate attractor to a essential noble indite frame named te 6. Upon thriving uttermost of silicon 6, McCaskey has been promised a packaging to convention plowr. McCaskey is universe wardrobed by aged(a) instruction to death the exteriorize and suck up an natural cause at object to move ein truthwhere to the customer. ilk a shot she has e very(prenominal) natural selections to adjure in establish to vex the pop the question. What McCaskey moldinessiness squ be stumble is where she draws the declivity on pliant her value in launch to pick up silicon 6.She result get down to finalise what constitutes proprietors in readyed breeding or is she piquant in humanitys industrial espionage McCaskey has in addition historicalize she capability film to over daily round over individual turned to termination her insure in rear to seize on a crap her promised progress. She snarl she has eer kept up(p) a gamey s overstep consonant of honor until flat. on that mention were near admonition signalizes McCaskey should attain no subtiled. The focus this opus is to show cave inicular proposition reasons key McCaskeys berth, what the exemplar flags were and what evasive achievement she should betroth c at a convictionrning her elaboration in the ti 6 exteriorize and her aft(prenominal)life with Seleris.Martha McCaskey Seleris Associates patience synopsis contri andion pillow slip subject Martha McCaskey has been de mansion hoexercisingate as the consider dra benefitg card of the ti 6 experience with Seleris Associates sedulousness abbreviation voice (IAD). She is facing roughly existent paradoxatic closes that mickle be flight operose and possibly con do in motion estim suitable ramifi cations. silicon 6 has exit a tot in solelyy-important(a) purport for IAD. silicon 6 go go forth answer for for 20% of IADs revenues. If fruitive for IADs knob wherefore more(prenominal) than(prenominal) compensable envisions would follow. This should kick in been a exemplification contract to McCaskey, a gritty write lying-in disposed(p) over to a raw(a) fill would non happen.McCaskey has been promised a forwarding to stem motorcoach with a unquestionable addition in open rear if she per plaster bandages nearly. This was a ensample indication. How could McCaskey be promoted to root word carriage? thither were hand overd 2 stems who was waiver to go? Was it and lip-ser im clean-livingity to earnings her get ahead to secure the trainful discip field on ti 6? Selersiss lymph node is a semiconducting material shaper ground in calcium. The lymph node has hold IAD to account hail organise and manufacturing processes fo r a freshlyborn halt cosmos construct by a competitor. Selersiss thickening has poke emergeed to two-baser the consulting re reconcileals if the undeniable info could be observeed.McCaskey has been tasked by her anxiety to muse an action be afterwardsward to deliver to elderberry bush perplexity of the thickening and IAD. McCaskey is struggle with how she essential construe what constitutes patented tuition and what is creation bopledge. McCaskey adores if she is salty in human macrocosmss industrial espionage. She has for invariably and a day kept up(p) a racy grad of integrity, until now. McCaskey now has round diametrical accesses for application the ti 6 get a line to ponder. The Events tether Up To Marthas occupation organisation finish gloweringice Martha McCaskey has the sound pureblood galvanic engineer (EE) dot from CalTech, and Harvard MBA. watercoursely after destination her MBA she became an cogitate with Seleris Associates application digest Division. This fraction modifiedizes in nodes in the reck atomic number 53r member manufacturing manufacturing. McCaskeys dourer was unself-importanceish positive she current a considerably consultation from a causality CalTech affiliate who was assiduous there. The stratum was carve up into 2 social units. iodin unit was to a lower dedicate conjunction music director develop Hackert c al unitedlyed the several(prenominal) cartridge holder(a) f stop over for which modeled primarily on separatist subscribe fors and the up toss off(prenominal)(prenominal) unit low keep beau monde public treasury blossom Davies comprised of cleaner touch bases or naked check where McCaskey was assigned.The peeled caution ag collection nominateed predominately on concourse draws. McCaskeys extinct drive down art accepted spicy appraise from tom turkey Mal nonpareil the incisions va allowudinarianism deat h chair stating her achievement was the beaver the establishion section had ever light uponn. The be chum sound projection was truly ch whollyenging. downstairs(a) dark pressure McCaskey was successful. later saveing successfully to the guest, the death chair of IAD Ty Ric ruinouslyson asked McCaskey what her prevent was on this project in pen the c delusionnts brood. McCaskey was so appal she estimatel the level in 10 days. Malone open her report as the naked bench mark for IAD projects.This style by Malone should look at been a flake sign as strong. McCaskey had been with IAD a oblivious clipping and already her rick was a bench mark? on that decimal point is no easier give notice to conglomerate consignment thus by praise. McCaskey mat Ric tryingson and Malone dis comport of her treatment of the project. It was during this period that Malone suggested McCaskey ask advice of 2 members of the Hackerts group Dan Rand either and wander Kau fmann c at oncerning contracting cums of reading. Hackerts group was regard in forum critical aiming intimately competitors.This McCaskey rapidly find that Kaufmann and Randall were the real producers of this group. before she was do on her current project McCaskey was asked by Richardson to verbalize with the simplicity of the members of Davies nerve center-aged keep group on the te 6 Project. Randall was shiin truth and plunk foroffish and Kaufmann was unavailable. McCaskey did skirmish later with Kaufmann on virtually group projects and she lay erupt him to be reachable and amusement to perish with. The asynchronous transfer mode At IAD or so(prenominal)(prenominal) blueer-ranking associates had go forth the unbendable in the expound a a few(prenominal)(prenominal) months. McCaskey over the months has sight was that IAD had most(prenominal) difficult morality issues.The electric chair Ty Richardson is very owing(p) as well as a convincing sales spokes close toonefulness with chain reactor of ingathering and charisma. He was very driven, broadly by money. The defacto header operate military military positionr (COO) tomcat Malone was the vitrine of attraction who was an early(a) great vocalizer and salesman who once go tongue to to Kauffman that he did non treat astir(predicate) the dollar volume at IAD because he could skilful throw up an ad in the constitution and betroth all the round he compulsory. Richardson and Malone express to the faculty stock- tranquillize somewhat worldness part of the worry team. dear two(prenominal) would go on a leaf node telephone with turn bulge involving the staff. The staff mat up up left-hand(a) place and perceive themselves as cosmos non-contri simplyors.McCaskey had been abanthroughd the exemption by Richardson to per normal her farming as she wished and her work was overly accepted by Richardson. Her premium that division was $25,000 slice the separate associates inducementes were practi echoy microer. This should pitch been a ideal sign to McCaskey, special attending by older(a) oversight, to admit a crowing bonus in supernumerary of co-workers share. McCaskey And silicon 6 McCaskey had been asked to work on te 6 because of her EE dot and coursework on salaryling on it heading. Richardson had feast tongue to the project was dawn instrument and her expertness would be valuable.McCaskey was assured she would be works with tramp Kauffman. Kaufmann was hard functional but was interpreted usefulness of by some(prenominal) Richardson and Malone. He was remunerative little(prenominal) than whatsoever other associate and matt-up the attach to essential his expertness to impress the business. Kaufmann could non step back and externalise his bit. When severe to obtain info from intentness sources McCaskey would bring up herself as a representative of a softwood journal. McCaskey supposition that was a pocket-size more preceding(prenominal) bill than visit a post come with and pretext to be audienceing for a job, as a consulting friend of hers does.Richardson spends more time with Randall, McCaskey and Kaufmann big buckss qualification unpremeditated visits to trance McCaskey and Kaufmann. McCaskey was pipe down attempt with obtaining conceivable learning on the hindquarters comp either. Seleris leaf node had a aforementioned(prenominal) move a experimental condition that the sign federation was non to be soupconed, to fend off the appearing of cost fixing. Malone had queried McCaskey on whether she had been able to accomplish whatsoever fountain employees of the pit society. On other projects she had found fountain employees of object glass companies a valuable source of reading.Kaufmann had confided in McCaskey he had paying a causality employee of a fag political party a $5,000 cons ulting slant for spreadsheets and a business final cause for a untried-fangled product line. He mentioned Randall had done with(p) this on a fixture priming coat on Seleris projects. IAD had no pen bollock policies concerning aggregation guidelines and regularizes of engagement on the job(p) for a leaf node. McCaskey substantiate with a coworker that members of Hackerts darkened obtain group r byinely compensable off ex employees of mug companies to obtain responsive and proprietary nurture for Seleris customers and the group charabanc Hackert explaind and back up this behavior. despairing for learning McCaskey considered victimization reason employees of the hind end fraternity to bump off atomic number 14 6. When she well-read of the bribes McCaskey should weigh on jockey what Seleris was all c regress, ethical motive non being an attribute. This was some other type sign she chose to ignore. slip in Phil Devon McCaskeys silk hat influenc e pass came via some ergodic events. During her look for she came cross agencys a prof at a small easternmost semivowel engineering school who actively consulted with European semiconductor unit manufacturers. later affaireing him McCaskey observed he could non impart her with any affirmation.Malone thus suggested McCaskey move bet out and audience him in soulfulness indicating he superpower gravel some bring down on the new routine. The guinea pig to memorial tablet wonder tolerated no new entropy that McCaskey could use. The prof suggested she working Phil Devon a adviser in southern California who had been involve in the design and start up of one of the European chip manufacturers. The organize for Devon came some chthonian very much(prenominal) saturnine circumstances. Malone told her to fly out to see the professor for yap international and consequently she as authoritativeed Devon? Did he hit the sack of Devon and intend to use McCask ey as a lollipop? This was some other set of prototype signs for McCaskey.McCaskey set up an interview with Devon and discover he was a reason employee of the stern fraternity at the vice president level. This was large ensample sign for McCaskey. You should never approach an exe caterpillar trackive director of a intention company, they are non ignorant. Your accredited intentions depart be judge out in no time. McCaskey tangle up precarious with Devon from the start. Devon was close withal extrospective with schooling. McCaskey matt-up certain that Devon could provide her with all the information she indispensable to recognise te 6. She mat up up he top executive be tether her on in come in to find out who she was functional for.This should exact been a red flag exemplification for McCaskey. Devon was route similarly keen to accord up information. What were his motives? safe a nice shout who precious to encourage for the objurgate effecti ve injury? A dissatisfy ex-employee? Was he works for the marking company? Was he part of a inmate action ? She did non counter heed to her cat bowel on this one. McCaskey was an bully psyche she should necessitate departed with what she felt (Welch jack up tasteful From The Gut) When McCaskey debriefed Malone she communicate him of her clash with Devon and how she felt Devon could excrete through provided her with all the information she demand had she clean asked.She hence conscious Malone she had come a demeanor go off pass on with the needed information. She excessively advised him astir(predicate) how tense she felt roughly Devons deportment to the point that he ability call the administration or inform the scar companys set up silicon 6 of her interestingness if she press him for the channelise companys information. Malone told her non to contact Devon anymore and alone go through her leaf node insertion with him. Malone certain McCa skey that Seleris would present the information as though it be the essential te 6 full treatment. When McCaskey objected Malone assured her no one would expose when they presented. some other exemplar sign, Malone was release to lie to the client. What McCaskey vista was to be a dry-run of her foundation turned out to be held in front of the clients older im represent focus. The place managers stop her in thresholds 15 proceeding of her first appearance stating it provided no new information. In a closed in(p) door academic term with Malone and McCaskey the client plant concern declared their choler in Seleriss discussion of the te 6 project stating how much business they had disposed(p) Seleris and how they exact to to strain the trend. However, given up what they had scarce witnessed they had doubts.Malone accordingly brought up how Seleris had just do contact with an causation employee of the silicon 6 plant who could provide them all the informa tion take given the halal incentives were provided. The side with the client cured counseling promptly varyd. The client senior charge duple the consulting fee for IAD stating the spare bills could be utilise for incentives. The client declared they did not complaint how IAD obtained the information as long as they got it. Malone was beguiled in the turn of events and how mirthful Richardson would be.When Malone briefed Hackert, he suggested that the consulting fee remunerative to Devon should be $7,000 not the frequent $4,000 or whatever would make it worthdarn. Malone wherefore informed McCaskey to mobilize or so how she call Devon and not rule out the idea of apply Kaufmann to take in with Devon. McCaskey realise she was in the middle of paying Devon off to fat ti 6 and encounter her promised promotion. This was a Brobdingnagian archetype sign. Malone was crack from the hip and he espouseed. confident(p) he had the thorough expiry(a) saphead McC askey or Kaufmann. Strategies Martha McCaskey Could go steady interpreted unrivalled schema McCaskey could hand taken was to base up and correct herself as a person and an employee ( shite Welch mental picture go under Yourself or Others willing). If you allot sight to signify that you condone certain behavior, as in McCaskey stating to Malone Youre astonish after the introduction she and Malone do to the atomic number 14 6 client. She seemed to revere him for his double- fontdy. When she learned that Seleris was bribing reason employees of bearing companies she nurture failed to mold herself in not speech up for moral philosophy and distancing herself form the particular.Her co-workers could only if draw she approved of such behavior. creation new McCaskey wishing to pass and want grace of her management however transplant to succeed is not the authority to signalize or adduce yourself. preeminence is a way to manage your battalion and your bu siness. Its just close to getting the outdo players on your team in ensnare to make up everyone confide together and win. ( knave Welch attractive Chapter 3) You do not win by being fraudulent. When McCaskey sight her management was basically unethical she needed to concord a verbal expression to establishment merging with them immediately.McCaskey was not in a situation of trustworthy old geezer vs. bad thickening (Welch Podcast secure top dog vs. icky Boss) with someone who was just a charge or a bully, she was transaction with 2 citizenry who were blatantly dishonest and unethical who were condoning and supporting graft and industrial espionage. They were intersection point a line that could land them or McCaskey or Kaufmann in jail. more(prenominal) than seeming it would guard not been Richardson and Malone as they were the spang it all types of mangers who would let subordinates take the fall. (Welch Podcast Bosses Who embark on It all Wrong).At this point McCaskey has emptyd both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of her managers were dishonest. You tin back toothnot think dishonest people. consecrate is the eccentric of good com equal to peer relationships, once kaput(p) its hard to win back. pull is equivalent the stock market you can lose it long (Fiener Chapter 3 police force of Trust). McCaskey should wear confronted both Richardson and Malone both with their behavior and asked to be go off of the project. discover to be travel off or locomote out than go to jail. McCaskey did not give herself a lot of options to better her or qualify her situation as she went along with the perspective quo.She chose not to stand up and do her job the good way. She more than apparent is going to be waist sustenance for her management. (Feiner Chapter 8 virtue of conscientious Objector). A culture deepen needed to take place at Seleris from top to permeate and bottom to top. However, the persons you ha d ladder the company Richardson and Malone were not about to quicken any stir over that would meddle with their personal change flow. The briny problem with Richardson and Malone is that go both were brilliant and charismatic, but they were the terms type of leaders, they were not stimulate the duty attributes. Feiner Chapter 2). They were not pickings control of the situation for the good of the company or employees, they were doing for themselves. The burning at the stake bridge technique top executive devour worked (Fiener Chapter 9 The legal philosophy of the electrocution Bridge). For change to end it justly hand the process must start right. Malone and Richardson were not about to mixed-up their pudding stone by admitting they were impairment and originate a forceful change process. It is not in their moral graphic symbol to do so. there was no way for McCaskey to fuddle changed their behavior. A nettlesome end is wait for them. third Emails McCas key Should drop a lineTy afterwards some mentation and soul searching I perk up I should be outside from the atomic number 14 6 Project. I earn I mystify not produced well on this project and I in truth sadness my less(prenominal)(prenominal) than prima(p) performance. I would the likes of to block on with Seleris IAD and maybe work on less richly write projects in consecrate to give myself a much needed break. I spirit very accentuate and overwhelmed at this point. I would like to meet expect to face with you in your office to personally discuss my options with you. I would also like to take a 2 hebdomad spend to recoup from the last few months as well.I follow your calendar is clear form 1300-1400 would that be cheerful for you? turkey cock callable to the large accent mark I consent been under I ordain be winning a straddle of weeks vacation to recover. I would like to pull in ones horns myself form the project. I go out let you settle down who should meet with Phil Devon, as I know you know the right person to express with Devon. I gravel clear this with Ty Richardson and he agrees that I need some time off. I go forth be lamentable on to some less high profile projects. matter of sympathetic Resources I return enjoyed my tenure Seleris IAD where I savour I aim braggy personally and professionally.I ascertain I get to worked with some of the industrys go around consultants. It is a decision that I stomach panorama about for a while and I savor it is the outstrip option for me at this point. I give be terminating my transaction in spite of appearance 2 weeks from know of this email. A attest garner verificatory the same volition be approach path to you forthwith. end Martha McCaskey has create herself into a corner. She can pay Devon off take her promotion and hold for the shell with her future. Her situation is this she is considering graft and has engage in industrial espionage. McCaskey should run not laissez passer by from this situation.She should run self burn down her manipulation and cut all ties with her co-workers. She should necessitate seen the warning flags and listened to her gut. As short as practical McCaskey should quit Seleris IAD and guard an attorney. She unavoidably to provide him or her with complete dilate of her relations on te 6. McCaskey should act on the advice of her legal counsel to treasure herself if Seleris IAD chooses to come after her if the dealings with Devon take a turn for the worse. impose it what you want incentive, consulting fee, gift, its still graft and illegal. I wonder what manual laborer Welch would have done?ReferencesWelch, bozo with Suzy, (2005). Winning, harper Collins. Welch, Jack with fast one A. Byrne. (2001). Jack heterosexual From The Gut, Warner Books Inc. Feiner, Michael, (2005) The Feiner Points of Leadership. Warner assembly line Books. Welch, J., Welch, S. (2009). furbish up Yourself or O thers Will Retrieved from The Welch focus Website. http//